Shangqiu Hengchuang Environmental Technology Co. LTD the company latest full continuous low temperature ...MORE

Though plastic is one of the most versatile synthetically produced materials in the world, it also is one o...MORE

Background and significance of project developmentWith the rapid development of the plastics and rubber tir...MORE

Waste plastic oil refining waste tires oil refining in the market our company (Shangqiu Yilong Equipment Co...MORE

Waste oil refining equipment can be re-refined by catalytic cracking of waste oil, not only to avoid its exc...MORE

When it comes to oil refining equipment, we may think of many different types of products, and its correspon...MORE

We said that the oil decolorization equipment is actually a new process to break the traditional process, th...MORE

Refining equipment in the refining of sulfur content greater than 05%, acid value greater than 05mgKOH / g c...MORE

Ministry of Environmental Protection recently published the "2016 National, municipal solid waste pollution ...MORE